
Vichardharah Spiritual Social NationalA New Meaning to the Passion & Pleasure of Giving, Sharing, Serving and Loving… Unconditionally!

Vichardharah Programmes

Contemporary Spiritual Counselling on:

- Social/Educational/Career/Values to individual seekers - teenaged, youth and young adults; and/or parents/families.

Social Activities

- Sustainable Community Development

- Awareness programme in slums for cleanliness and encroachments

- Illegal encroachment around societies, footpaths, roads used as parking

- Security issues

- Seminars/Events/Training workshops on Discipline & Sense of belonging

- Awareness / Training in driving habits

- Volunteer-based community kitchen for Underprivileged/poor of poors

- Training & Support in self-employment generation

- Crafting personal/social utility items

- Marketing of Vichardharah produce

- Supporting talented/deserving/promising students

Awareness on National issues

- Drives thru PILs on Prevention of vandalism and anti-social/national activities

- Any task which Utility Cos/Civic Agencies/local MPs/MLAs/Councillors fail to take responsibility for

- Capacity building and awareness towards questioning the system & fundamental rights

Disaster Management awareness

- Hazards, vulnerability, preparedness, capacity building, rescue and rehabilitation; motivating team of local actors (Training/Workishops to be conducted in coordination with team of experts from NiDM / WHO.