National Agenda
Prime agenda and focal points important for welfare/well-being of the populace, growth of the nation, and developing a well-defined national character:
- Developing & deploying a national team of 542 Lok Sabha MPs (a team of value-rich nationalists) with proven past records of qualifications, dignity, integrity, incorruptible service, who are committed and dedicated towards nation building, having vision, capacity and courage to take decisions in the national interests as their primary mission;
- Making teachers (from primary schools to college levels) as respected and highly paid as in Germany;
- Making law enforcing agencies (police, intelligence and secret services) as technically updated, highly paid and effective as Scotland Yard Police in England & Mosad in Israel; without political interference;
- Making the citizens as disciplined as in Singapore;
- Making citizen follow and fear the law as strictly observed and implemented as in Japan/Singapore/Malaysia/UAE/ Saudi Arabia;
- Making law to treat and provide equal opportunities to all citizens regardless of cast, creed, religion, gender etc., leaving no room for special consideration of SC, ST, OBC, Minorities, etc.
- Designing & implementing vocational/skilled-based projects for people below poverty line, poor, minorities, uneducated, etc. to reach and benefit masses at grass-root level, with a time-bound aim and purpose of uplifting their cause;
- Making bureaucrats responsible for development projects in the area of their operations, and making them transparent, accountable and answerable for their deals and advisories;
- Making education free up to high school. Compulsory curriculum to inculcate discipline & values to develop a healthy, caring society and strong nation.
- 1 yr military training compulsory after 10+2 for each child before taking higher education;
- Making girl-education compulsory.
- Putting financial resources in place for the upliftment of neglected, and creating infrastructure for them for bare-basic needs to be met by the state;
- Creating primary health care centres in every village and rural area and ensuring they are fully equipped, manned and functional.
- Making defence forces extra-ordinarily modern and proactive.
- Deploying & ensuring law-enforcing personnel visibly functional at all important places.
- Encouraging new business ventures with incentive around smaller towns, semi-urban and village areas to minimize exodus of populace towards metros for livelihood.
- Exploring and encouraging natural resources for domestic/industry use with the support of state-incentives.
- Close monitoring on government spending. Unnecessary and “inventive” foreign travel should be stopped for minimum 5 years.
- Evolving mechanism and initiating steps to root out black money – nationally and internationally;
- “Perform or Perish” should be punch line for all Centre, State and Public organizations and Utility Agencies;
- Due recognition and innovative incentives for staff in emergency services and/or demanding long duty hours, to rout out corrupt practices;
- Effective implementation of all above with time frame/result oriented actions!!!