7 Chakras & Explanation
1. Muladhara; 2. Swadhisthana 3. Manipuraka 4. Anahata 5. Vishudhi 6. Agna 7. Sahasara
1. Food & Sleep 2. Pleasure seeker/enjoy physical world 3. Doer/Achiever 4. Creative
5. Powerhouse 6. Clarity of Vision – Intellectually realized : Nothing can touch/disturb you
7. Pathless path, Not knowing beyond, Assuming & Concluding, No path or method,
Simply ecstatic (without any reason), No journey, Only way is to jump.
One can jump in total emptiness if he is mad or he has absolute trust
on someone else’s words. If he says jump, you will anyway jump.
There are only two reasons to jump in nothingness.